2-Hour Designer’s Eye Consultation

Available online and in-person, in the design consultation we will be addressing high-level problems and providing guidance in the right direction, the design consultation will empower you to make informed decisions and take actionable steps towards solving specific design challenges in your home.

Here are some common high-level problems (but not limited to) that can be assessed:

  • Seeking that 'wow' factor but unsure where to start?⁠ ⁠

  • Struggling with an efficient layout that not only maximizes functionality but also effortlessly complements the natural flow of your space?⁠

  • Is your art collection in need of a curated showcase that reflects the essence of your style? ⁠

  • Do you possess beautiful furniture pieces and cherished items but feel lost in arranging them harmoniously?⁠

  • Got an eye for nice things, yet facing challenges in achieving perfect cohesion within your current space?⁠

  • Longing for expert recommendations on furniture and decor that align with your refined taste?⁠

  • With little ones turning your home into a haven for their toys, are you in search of smart storage solutions that maintain the charm of your living space? ⁠

  • Have a vision but need guidance to navigate in the right direction? ⁠

  • Facing other design challenges and feeling a bit lost on how to tackle them?⁠

How does it work:

The 1:1 design consultation takes 2 hours, and it can take place virtually or in person if you are in Singapore. We will be prioritising two problems or design challenges of the above list during that time. This will allow us to focus on those specific areas and provide more detailed recommendations and solutions within the given time frame.

Pre-consultation questionnaire: Prior the consultation we will send you a pre-consultation questionnaire to gather information about your goals, preferences, and specific design challenges. This will help us understand your needs and tailor the consultation accordingly.

Prioritization and focus: During the consultation, we will prioritise the most pressing design challenges or areas of your concern. By focusing on key aspects, we will provide more in-depth guidance and recommendations within the given time frame.

Visual aids and examples: We will use visual aids to help you visualise the proposed solutions.

Follow-up report: At the end of the consultation, we will provide you with a summary of the recommendations, key takeaways, and any additional resources or references that may be helpful for further exploration or implementation.

Investment: S$550

It's important to note that a 2-hour design consultation serves as an initial step in the design process. For more comprehensive design services, such as detailed space planning, material selection, or full interior design services, we can offer additional packages or services that cater to your specific needs and budget.